
Sunday, November 18, 2012

SRVCONFIG command in RAC

$ srvconfig -help   (or) srvconfig -?
Usage: srvconfig [options]

where options include:
        -help        display command-line help message
        -?           same as -help option
        -init        initialize cluster registry (if not already initialized)
        -init -f     force intialization of configuration even if initialized
        -exp <file>  export cluster registry contents to given text file
        -imp <file>  import given text file contents to the cluster registry
        -upgrade -dbname <database> -orahome <oracle_home_path> upgrade the database configuration to Oracle Database 10.2
        -downgrade -dbname <database> -orahome <oracle_home_path> -version <versionstring> downgrade the database configuration to Oracle Database 10.0 or 9.2 based on value of versionstring

To exports the contents of the configuration information or cluster registry information to file
srvconfig -exp <file_name>

To Import the contents of the configuration information or cluster registry information from file to cluster

$srvconfig -imp file_name

To Initialize cluster registry (if not already initialized)
srvconfig -init

To Force initialization of configuration even if initialized
srvconfig -init -f -- force initialization of configuration even if initialized

To Upgrade the database configuration
$srvconfig -upgrade -dbname db_name -orahome ORACLE_HOME

To downgrade the database configuration
$srvconfig -downgrade -dbname db_name -orahome ORACLE_HOME -version version_str