Drilling Index usage in Database - Index Administration
Drilling Index usage in Database (Index Administration)
Here we will discuss following about index
- About Index usage
- Checking Index usage.
- Index Monitoring
- Querying the history data
1) About Index usage
Indexes are optional
object in database but they exist in each database, small or big.
Indexes only purpose
is that they can fetch the data faster using the rowid or Fast Full scan
Fast Full Scan: when all the required columns of the query
are present in the index.
To tune a query,
people think about to create an Index but that's not right approach , just to
tune a query do not create a index instead think of other
tuning techniques.
To get something you
have to pay something apply to indexes , DML operation become
slower as Index stores the row id along with value of the Indexed column data ,
Whenever a DML happens , Oracle Needs to update the Index Structure accordingly
, so time consuming and Extra storage.
In this section we
will not discuss when to create an Index, but we will focus on that the index
which we created for our Apps are used by our application Queries or not?
There is no short cut
as such to check whether your indexes are used or not, especially if your
application is third party application. We have few methods by which we can
conclude that our indexes are used or not and which queries & programs are
using them.
2) Checking Index usage.
Query to find out the number of time Index
used for a Particular query.
select count(*) "#SQL", sum(executions) "#EXE", object_name, options
from v$sql_plan_statistics_all
where operation = 'INDEX'
and object_owner = 'Schema Name'
and object_name in
(select index_name from all_indexes where table_name IN ('xx'))
group by object_name, options
order by object_name, options
Query to find out the
Access predicates and Filter predicates which is important.
select *
from v$sql
where sql_id in (select sql_id
from v$sql_plan_statistics_all
where operation = 'INDEX'
and object_owner = 'SCHEMA'
and object_name = 'INDEX_NAME'
and access_predicates like '%xx%')
if you want to find
the exact query in order use V$SQLTEXT_WITH_NEWLINES instead
of V$SQL.
This View gives you
the information like AWR report by which you can make decision about the index
3) Index Monitoring:
Easiest method is to enable the index monitoring for the all the
Alter Index <Index_name> monitoring usage;
Data dictionary table: V$OBJECT_USAGE
Give the information that Index was used or not during that
period in which Monitoring is Enabled.
Column Name
Self Explanatory
Yes or No
Yes or No
Start Monitoring
Start date
End Monitoring
End Date
Drawback of the method is it will not give you details which
query using the index and how many time this index was used. It gives only info
that Index was used but no information like once or thousand times.
To disable the Monitoring syntax.
Alter Index <Index_name> no monitoring usage;
4) Querying the history data:
Query to find the SQLTEXT using the Index from the history data.
select *
from dba_hist_sqltext
where sql_id in (select pl.sql_id
from dba_hist_snapshot sn,
dba_hist_sqlstat sq,
dba_hist_sql_plan pl
Now you got to know that a particular index was not in use and
not useful but in production you can’t drop your index straightway because it
could be risky .In 11g we have feature of Invisible indexes.
When you make an index invisible then optimizer can not see it
and did't use this index except in case of ifoptimizer_use_invisible_indexes parameter
is true which is unlikely a case, but in the background it will keep the index
structure up to date.
select * from V$PARAMETER where name like '%invisible%'
Syntax for making an index invisible
alter Index Indexname invisible;
More details about Invisible indexes is on my Next Blog Diff B/w
making and Index Unusable and Making and Index Invisible.