
Sunday, June 19, 2016

Metrics vs Statistics

Here are  the tuning metrics tables (SQL  stats are not in “metric” tables per say)

(*DBA_HIST_…_HISTORY views are sort of confusing. AFAI remember they were storing alert history, but apparently they are used for adaptive thresholds – an area for future investigation)

I’ve noticed a number of people posting queries using DBA_HIST_SYSSTAT instead of DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY which leads me to believe that there is some confusion or lack of information on the metric tables.
Oracle 10g introduced metric tables which compute deltas and rates of statistics thus hugely simplifying the ability to answer simple questions like “what is the I/O rate on my databases right now.” This question, before 10g, was surprisingly tedious to answer. To answer the question one would have to query v$sysstat  for example:
Select value from v$sysstat where name=’physical reads’;
but querying v$sysstat just once fails to answer the question but instead answers the question “How much I/O has been done since the database was started”. To answer the original question one would have to query v$sysstat twice and take the delta between the two values:
  • Take value at time A
  • Take value at time B
  • Delta = (B-A)
  • and/or get Rate = (B-A)/elapsed time
Getting these deltas and rates could be a pesky task especially working with a customer over the phone. Then 10g Oracle introduced metric tables which answer the questions in one single query using


such as
from v$sysmetric
where metric_name='Physical Reads Per Sec';
---------- ----------------- ------------
654.6736 Reads Per Second          5959
134.9835 Reads Per Second          1515
Notice that the query returns 2 rows. The first row is the the last minute (ie 59.59 seconds) and the second row is the last 15 seconds (ie 15.15 seconds). Oracle collects both the deltas and rates for 60 second and 15 second intervals.
Oracle has the average, maximum, minimum for the values for the last hour in


that one can query like:
where metric_name='Physical Reads Per Sec';

---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------
3.71784232          0 .076930034         .478529283
Also for the last hour Oracle stores the 60 second intervals and for the last 3 minutes the 15 second intervals in


Then for the last week by default, Oracle saves the values for each hour including the maximum, minimum, average, stddev etc in



One issue with using
  • V$SYSMETRIC – last 15 and 60 seconds
  • V$SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY – values  last hour (last snapshot)  like avg, max, min etc
  • V$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY – last hour for 1 minute, last 3 mintes for 15 second deltas
  • DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY – hour summaries for last week.
is becoming familiar with the statistics names which are different from v$sysstat. We can look at
For the group_names (statistic definitions)
For trending data over multiple days, the view DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY can be used.  The view has a history of all theSystem Metrics Long Duration statistics.  If you store multiple databases in the same AWR repository you can check the statistics available to a particular DBID with the view DBA_HIST_METRIC_NAME.

Easy query

The view DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY  can be queried easily for trending metrics, such as the simple query for bytes read by the database per second:
select   dbid, to_char( begin_time ,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI'),
from     dba_hist_sysmetric_summary
where    metric_name= 'Physical Read Total Bytes Per Sec' /* and DBID=[dbid if share repository] */
order by begin_time;

Tougher Query

Compare the above query  to the same query on DBA_HIST_SYSSTAT (note there are a lot of stats in v$sysstat)
with stats as (
           select sn.dbid,
                  to_char(cast(begin_interval_time as date ), 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') btime,
                  -- Lag (st.value) OVER( PARTITION BY st.stat_name,st.dbid ORDER BY sn.snap_id)
                  Lag (st.value) OVER( PARTITION BY st.stat_name,st.dbid,st.startup_time ORDER BY sn.snap_id)
                  st.value     value_end,
                  (cast(end_interval_time as date) - cast(begin_interval_time as date )) * (24*60*60) delta
                  DBA_HIST_SYSSTAT  st,
                  DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT sn
                    sn.snap_id=st.snap_id and
                    sn.dbid=st.dbid and
                    (st.stat_name= 'physical read total bytes')
           order by begin_interval_time
          dbid, btime,
          round((value_end-value_beg)/delta) rate_per_sec
   from stats
   where (value_end-value_beg) > 0
Its a bit disconcerting to note that the above two queries don’t return the exact same data on my laptop. If it was roughly the same that would be fine, and in general the stats are the similar but there are cases where they differ dramatically.  I don’t see anything obvious in the way the queries are written.  Possibly has to do with database bounces or the way the database is affected by the laptop’s sleep and hibernate modes. Will have to look into this farther.
One trick to make the data easy to load into Excel is to use the html output format and spool to a file with an “.html” extension
SET markup HTML on
spool output.html



Enqueue – PK, FK or Bitmap Index problem?

 If one is seeing waits for enq: TX – row lock contention  then there could be a lot of reasons. One distinguishing factor is the lock mode. If the lock mode is exclusive (mode 6) then it’s most likely a classic row lock where two sessions are trying to modify the same row. On the other hand if the lock mode is share (mode 4)  it’s typically going to be

  • Primary/Unique Key: inserting a unique key when  someone else has already inserted that key but not committed
  • Foreign Key: Inserting a foreign when then parent value has been inserted but not committed or deleted and not commited (not to be confused with locks due to un-indexed foreign key which cause a “enq: TM – contention”  wait not a TX wait)
  • Bitmap Index: bitmap index chunk contention
Now how to tell which of these is happening? Well here is a query on ASH (I’ve commented out some of the useful fields to limit the output)  that will generate output to help us distinguish between the 3 different cases
col object for A15
col otype for A10
       substr(event,0,20)    lock_name,
       --ash.session_id        waiter,
       --mod(ash.p1,16)        lmode,
       --ash.p2                p2,
       --ash.p3                p3,
       o.object_name           object,
       o.object_type           otype,
       CURRENT_FILE#           filen,
       CURRENT_BLOCK#          blockn,
       --ash.SQL_ID            waiting_sql,
       BLOCKING_SESSION        blocker
         v$active_session_history ash,
         all_objects o
           event like 'enq: TX%'
   and   mod(ash.p1,16)=4
   and o.object_id (+)= ash.CURRENT_OBJ#
Here is the output from the 3 different cases
Unique Index

  ------  ------ ----- ------ -------
      -1             0      0     158
      -1             0      0     158
      -1             0      0     158
      -1             0      0     158

Foreign Key

  ------  ------ ----- ------ -------
   CHILD   TABLE     1  60954       1
   CHILD   TABLE     1  60954       1
   CHILD   TABLE     1  60954       1

Bitmap Index

  ------  ------ ----- ------ -------
      I1   INDEX     0      0     144
      I1   INDEX     0      0     144
      I1   INDEX     0      0     144
      I1   INDEX     0      0     144
Each case has a different footprint.
  • Unique key index issue object of “-1″
  • Foreign key case has a blocker of “1″
  • Bitmap index case as filen and blockn “0″
These cases were run on thus the “footprint” could change on other versions.
The above ASH query and many other useful ASH queries are maintained on GitHub at

Oracle I/O latency monitoring


One thing that I have found sorely missing in the performance pages of Enterprise Manager is latency values for various types of I/O. The performance page or top activity may show high I/O waits but it won’t indicated if the latency of I/O is unusually high or not. Thus I put together a shell script that shows latency for the main I/O waits

  • db file sequential read
  • db file scattered read
  • log file parallel write
  • direct path reads
  • direct path reads temp
Of course it would be nice to add a few others like direct path writes, direct path writes temp and log file sync but there is only so much room in the screen width.

The script is called and is available on github at
Usage: [username] [password] [host] [sid] <port=1521> <runtime=3600>

$ ./ system sys vsol
Connected, starting collect at Wed Apr 18 18:41:13 UTC 2012
starting stats collecting

   single block       logfile write       multi block      direct read   direct read temp
   ms      IOP/s        ms    IOP/s       ms    IOP/s       ms    IOP/s       ms    IOP/s
   20.76    27.55    32.55      .71     3.50      .00      .00      .01      .00      .00
     .00      .20               .00               .00               .00               .00
   34.93   369.64   116.79     3.55               .00               .00               .00
   31.43   640.33    92.40     8.33               .00               .00               .00
   39.39   692.33   111.69     8.00               .00               .00               .00
The first line of output is the average since the database started up.
The subsequent lines are the averages since the last line which is 5 seconds by default.
One should be able to see immediately how much activity there is on the database and the latency for the basic types of database I/O.
Single block reads are the typical I/O from a database which would happen for example when reading a row in a table with indexes in place.
Multi block reads are common as well is which would happen when for example summing the values over all rows in a table.
Direct reads are less common but quite normal and happen almost exclusively for parallel query though may be used for other activities especially in newer version of Oracle such as 11.2. Direct reads are multiblock reads that by pass the Oracle buffer cache. The size varies from a datablock, such as 8k to 1MB.
Direct read temp happens when a sort has overflowed memory limits and been written to disk. Direct reads temp are multiblock reads that by pass the Oracle buffer cache. The size varies from a datablock, such as 8k to 1MB.
Logfile writes are the only writes that database users wait for in general. Actually users only wait when the commit, which then is a wait for a signal from the log writer that their particular redo data is on disk which could have already happened. Typically the user wait time is a bit slower than the logwrite time but in general it’s close, ie within a few milliseconds. The farther apart the user wait time is from the log write time the more likely there is a CPU, paging or other concurrency problem on the VDB host slowing down the users signalling and wake up time

oramon.sql : Oracle Latency Query

If for some reason the shell script isn’t able to connect to the database, then the same data can be collected manually by running the SQL query in SQL*Plus by hand.
The following two SQL queries, oramon_setup.sql and oramon.sql are available on github at
If you want to see the latencies over periods shorter than 60s, then you have to collect the values of the cumulative counters at time A, then again at time B and take the difference. The following two queries, oramon.sql and oramon_setup.sql, are available on ftp site
Run oramon_setup.sql *once*
  column seq_ms for 9999.99
   column seq_ct for 9999.99
   column lfpw_ms for 9999.99
   column lfpw_ct for 9999.99
   column seq_ms for 9999.99
   column scat_ct for 9999.99
   column dpr_ms for 9999.99
   column dpr_ct for 9999.99
   column dprt_ms for 9999.99
   column dprt_ct for 9999.99
   column prevdprt_ct new_value prevdprt_ct_var
   column prevdprt_tm new_value prevdprt_tm_var
   column prevdpwt_ct new_value prevdpwt_ct_var
   column prevdpwt_tm new_value prevdpwt_tm_var
   column prevdpr_ct new_value prevdpr_ct_var
   column prevdpr_tm new_value prevdpr_tm_var
   column prevdpw_ct new_value prevdpw_ct_var
   column prevdpw_tm new_value prevdpw_tm_var
   column prevseq_ct new_value prevseq_ct_var
   column prevseq_tm new_value prevseq_tm_var
   column prevscat_ct new_value prevscat_ct_var
   column prevscat_tm new_value prevscat_tm_var
   column prevlfpw_ct new_value prevlfpw_ct_var
   column prevlfpw_tm new_value prevlfpw_tm_var
   column prevsec new_value prevsec_var
   select 0 prevsec from dual;
   select 0 prevseq_tm from dual;
   select 0 prevseq_ct from dual;
   select 0 prevscat_ct from dual;
   select 0 prevscat_tm from dual;
   select 0 prevlfpw_ct from dual;
   select 0 prevlfpw_tm from dual;
   select 0 prevdprt_ct from dual;
   select 0 prevdprt_tm from dual;
   select 0 prevdpwt_ct from dual;
   select 0 prevdpwt_tm from dual;
   select 0 prevdpr_ct from dual;
   select 0 prevdpr_tm from dual;
   select 0 prevdpw_ct from dual;
   select 0 prevdpw_tm from dual;
   column prevdprt_ct noprint
   column prevdprt_tm noprint
   column prevdpwt_ct noprint
   column prevdpwt_tm noprint
   column prevdpr_ct noprint
   column prevdpr_tm noprint
   column prevdpw_ct noprint
   column prevdpw_tm noprint
   column prevseq_ct noprint
   column prevseq_tm noprint
   column prevscat_ct noprint
   column prevscat_tm noprint
   column prevlfpw_ct noprint
   column prevlfpw_tm noprint
   column prevsec noprint
Run following query to see the current latency for
  • single block read
  • log file parallel write
  • multi-block read
        round(seqtm/nullif(seqct,0),2) seq_ms,
        round(seqct/nullif(delta,0),2) seq_ct,
        round(lfpwtm/nullif(lfpwct,0),2) lfpw_ms,
        round(lfpwct/nullif(delta,0),2) lfpw_ct,
        round(scattm/nullif(scatct,0),2) scat_ms,
        round(scatct/nullif(delta,0),0) scat_ct,
        round(dprtm/nullif(dprct,0),2) dpr_ms,
        round(dprct/nullif(delta,0),2) dpr_ct,
        round(dprttm/nullif(dprtct,0),2) dprt_ms,
        round(dprtct/nullif(delta,0),2) dprt_ct,
        prevseq_ct, prevscat_ct, prevseq_tm, prevscat_tm, prevsec,prevlfpw_tm,prevlfpw_ct
        , prevdpr_ct, prevdpr_tm , prevdprt_ct, prevdprt_tm , prevdpw_ct, prevdpw_tm
        , prevdpwt_ct, prevdpwt_tm
       sum(decode(event,'db file sequential read', round(time_waited_micro/1000) -  &prevseq_tm_var,0)) seqtm,
       sum(decode(event,'db file scattered read',  round(time_waited_micro/1000) - &prevscat_tm_var,0)) scattm,
       sum(decode(event,'log file parallel write',  round(time_waited_micro/1000) - &prevlfpw_tm_var,0)) lfpwtm,
       sum(decode(event,'db file sequential read', round(time_waited_micro/1000) ,0)) prevseq_tm,
       sum(decode(event,'db file scattered read',  round(time_waited_micro/1000) ,0)) prevscat_tm,
       sum(decode(event,'log file parallel write',  round(time_waited_micro/1000) ,0)) prevlfpw_tm,
       sum(decode(event,'db file sequential read', total_waits - &prevseq_ct_var,0)) seqct,
       sum(decode(event,'db file scattered read',  total_waits - &prevscat_ct_var,0)) scatct,
       sum(decode(event,'log file parallel write',  total_waits - &prevlfpw_ct_var,0)) lfpwct,
       sum(decode(event,'db file sequential read', total_waits ,0)) prevseq_ct,
       sum(decode(event,'db file scattered read',  total_waits ,0)) prevscat_ct,
       sum(decode(event,'log file parallel write',  total_waits ,0)) prevlfpw_ct,
       sum(decode(event,'direct path read',  round(time_waited_micro/1000) - &prevdpr_tm_var,0)) dprtm,
       sum(decode(event,'direct path read',  round(time_waited_micro/1000) ,0)) prevdpr_tm,
       sum(decode(event,'direct path read',  total_waits - &prevdpr_ct_var,0)) dprct,
       sum(decode(event,'direct path read',  total_waits ,0)) prevdpr_ct,
       sum(decode(event,'direct path write',  round(time_waited_micro/1000) - &prevdpw_tm_var,0)) dpwtm,
       sum(decode(event,'direct path write',  round(time_waited_micro/1000) ,0)) prevdpw_tm,
       sum(decode(event,'direct path write',  total_waits - &prevdpw_ct_var,0)) dpwct,
       sum(decode(event,'direct path write',  total_waits ,0)) prevdpw_ct,
       sum(decode(event,'direct path write temp',  round(time_waited_micro/1000) - &prevdpwt_tm_var,0)) dpwttm,
       sum(decode(event,'direct path write temp',  round(time_waited_micro/1000) ,0)) prevdpwt_tm,
       sum(decode(event,'direct path write temp',  total_waits - &prevdpwt_ct_var,0)) dpwtct,
       sum(decode(event,'direct path write temp',  total_waits ,0)) prevdpwt_ct,
       sum(decode(event,'direct path read temp',  round(time_waited_micro/1000) - &prevdprt_tm_var,0)) dprttm,
       sum(decode(event,'direct path read temp',  round(time_waited_micro/1000) ,0)) prevdprt_tm,
       sum(decode(event,'direct path read temp',  total_waits - &prevdprt_ct_var,0)) dprtct,
       sum(decode(event,'direct path read temp',  total_waits ,0)) prevdprt_ct,
       to_char(sysdate,'SSSSS')-&prevsec_var delta,
       to_char(sysdate,'SSSSS') prevsec
     event in ('db file sequential read',
               'db file scattered read',
               'direct path read temp',
               'direct path write temp',
               'direct path read',
               'direct path write',
               'log file parallel write')
) ;
Output looks like
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
  115.71   422.67    76.17    12.00               .00               .00               .00
The first execution of the query is I/O since database startup, so should most likely be ignored.
Subsequent executions are the I/O since the last execution
The columns are
  1. SEQ_MS: single block latency
  2. SEQ_CT: single block reads per second
  3. LFPW_MS: log file parallel write latency
  4. LFPW_CT: log file parallel write count per second
  5. SCAT_MS: multi-block latency
  6. SCAT_CT: multi-block reads per second
  7. DPR_MS: direct path read latency
  8. DPR_CT: direct path read count
  9. DPRT_MS: direct path read temp latency
  10. DPRT_CT: direct path read temp count
Instead of running the query by hand the script “” available at (see top of page) will collect this info ever 5 seconds in a loop and output to standard out at the UNIX prompt

Simple but only once a minute

NOTE: the following is a simpler query but the data only updates once a minute
select event,
       m.wait_count  cnt,
       10*m.time_waited ms,
       nvl(round(10*m.time_waited/nullif(m.wait_count,0),3) ,0) avg_ms
  from v$eventmetric m,
       v$event_name n
  where m.event_id=n.event_id
        and (
              wait_class_id= 1740759767 --  User I/O 
              wait_class_id= 4108307767 --  System I/O  
        and m.wait_count > 0 ;


CURSOR_SHARING : a picture is worth a 1000 words

Anyone who has been around Oracle performance over the years knows the grief that hard parsing SQL queries can cause on highly concurrent applications. The number one reason for hard parsing has been applications that don’t use bind variables. Without bind variables queries that would otherwise be shared get recompiled because their text is different and Oracle treats them as different queries. Oracle addressed this issue with a parameter called cursor_sharing. The parameter cursor_sharing has three values
  1. exact – the default
  2. similar – replace literals with bind variables, if a histogram keep literal in place
  3. force – replace literals with bind variables and use existing plan if it exists
Here is what the load looks like going from the default, exact, to the value force on a load of the same query but a query that doesn’t use bind variables:
looks like a significant load savings – impressive!
Now many people tell me that they think there are bugs with “force” and that you should use “similar”. The value similar does a similar thing but if there are histograms on the column, then Oracle will attempt, in certain cases, to have different plans based on different values. Sounds cool huh? Well their are bugs. Here is the same load with similar:
If we look at the different child cursors for this statement we find that Oracle, instead of sharing the children creates a different one for each execution:
This bug still seems to exist on 11gR2 :
Here is the code for the examples I (run by 8 users on 10g and 12 users on 11g)
--alter session set cursor_sharing=exact;
--alter session set cursor_sharing=force;
--alter session set cursor_sharing=similar;
 l_cursor integer default 0;
 stmt varchar2(400);
 ret number;
 select hparse.nextval into ret  from dual;
 FOR i IN 1..1000  LOOP
   stmt:='SELECT  count(*) FROM t1 where c1  < '|| 
     dbms_random.value()||' and c2  < '||dbms_random.value();
   execute immediate stmt into ret;
Table t1 has no histograms. In the case above it had one row, but results were similar with no rows:
create table t1 (c1 number, c2 number);
insert into t1 values (0,0);
The issue should be addressed in 11g with a combination of cursor_sharing and adaptive cursor sharing
Also see Charles Hooper’s blog post on this topic at



Finding the slowest SQL execution of the same query


When running the same query multiple times, several questions come to mind:

  • Does the query always execute in the same amount of  time?
  • If some executions are slower, what is the slowest execution time?
  • When did the slowest exectution happen?
  • What more can I find out about the slowest exectution?
All of this can be answered from data in Active Session History or ASH.   The following query finds the maximum, minimum and average execution times in seconds as well as the time of the slowest execution which is given by start time and end time of the  slowest exectuiton:
col av for 9999999
col mx for 9999999
col mn for 9999999

   round(min(delta),0) mn,
   round(avg(delta),0) av,
   round(max(delta),0) mx,
   substr(max(times),12) max_run_time
from (
        max(delta) delta ,
        -- lpad sets a fixed width on delta so it can be
        -- stripped off above with substr
        -- delta in "times" is just for sorting not displaying
        lpad(round(max(delta),0),10) || ' ' ||
        to_char(min(start_time),'YY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')  || ' ' ||
        to_char(max(end_time),'YY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')  times
   from ( select
              cast(sample_time as date)     end_time,
              cast(sql_exec_start as date)  start_time,
              ((cast(sample_time    as date)) -
               (cast(sql_exec_start as date))) * (3600*24) delta

           where sql_exec_id is not null
   group by sql_id,sql_exec_id

group by sql_id
having count(*) > 10
order by mx

SQL_ID          COUNT(*)       MN       AV       MX MAX_RUN_TIME
------------- ---------- -------- -------- -------- -----------------------------------
155vjqzjqp58f         27        0      115      786 11-04-11 07:39:47 11-04-11 07:41:20
7nf5917x3tq5x        113        0      129      791 11-04-11 01:03:19 11-03-02 04:16:09
asg774pz0kqga         11       11      225      799 11-04-14 12:20:10 11-03-02 12:18:58
1kf1jsykb1nk6        529        0      107      800 11-04-09 18:41:28 11-03-01 23:13:56
8rua4c9agcqkb        978        0       73      820 11-03-01 23:13:50 11-03-01 23:13:56
fdagtr1sdk8tn        313        0      242      841 11-04-08 21:30:31 11-04-08 21:30:38
7b5w34atn8q1h        124        0       25      898 11-03-07 20:53:17 11-03-07 20:53:23
9w7mbuv734tfy         11       30      509      954 11-04-14 09:00:55 11-03-02 04:27:33
88qxmg220db9s         23        4      357     1040 11-04-13 22:08:20 11-04-13 02:20:09
83ngzw213v0cs        302        1      207     1122 11-04-11 16:26:32 11-03-07 16:12:11
34cgtc9xkgxny         61      978     1163     1272 11-03-02 10:06:24 11-03-02 10:06:30
g5u58zpg0tuk8         97        1       62     1359 11-04-13 02:49:33 11-04-12 02:23:39
6tkqndn1tzf23         29        7      187     1370 11-04-13 06:56:43 11-03-02 06:56:54
g4wrnvdmf23b1         11       19      458     1397 11-04-14 12:22:28 11-03-02 12:21:19
bpkg6y9wvf717         31        0      189     1427 11-04-13 21:19:51 11-03-02 21:08:00
4d6m2q3ngjcv9        320        3      485     1701 11-04-10 18:00:54 11-03-01 23:10:55
882tp5sbq1tq5         17       39      367     1795 11-04-14 14:00:30 11-03-01 23:04:33
5k7vccwjr5ahd       2653        0       33     1963 11-04-12 09:06:08 11-03-01 23:10:15
44034jty9vnrg         19        2      188     1968 11-03-03 09:17:34 11-03-03 09:17:43
g9n69a23s3wxz         40        6      280     2009 11-04-08 13:47:23 11-03-03 09:37:38
ds8cz0fb8w147        161       13      274     2531 11-04-12 16:10:21 11-03-01 23:11:55
bzyny95313u12        114        0       47     2599 11-03-03 03:06:18 11-03-03 03:06:25
0fvrpk7476b7y         26        0      133     3068 11-03-07 07:57:56 11-03-07 07:58:00
1pjp66rxcj6tg         15       57      768     3106 11-04-09 17:25:21 11-03-07 08:58:26
8r5wuxk1dprhr         39       24      841     3510 11-04-14 14:00:47 11-03-02 09:54:37
0w5uu5kngyyty         21        0      442     3652 11-04-11 08:00:21 11-04-11 09:01:13
0hbv80w9ypy0n        161        0     1184     4089 11-04-12 22:26:09 11-03-02 04:36:15
71fwb4n6a92fv         49       30      677     4481 11-04-10 17:01:17 11-03-01 23:40:45
0bujgc94rg3fj        604        0       25     4929 11-04-08 10:53:34 11-04-08 12:15:43
64dqhdkkw63fd       1083        0        7     7147 11-03-07 04:01:01 11-03-07 06:00:08
990m08w8xav7s        591        0       52     7681 11-04-13 00:39:27 11-04-13 00:39:37
2n5369dsuvn5a         16      303     5727    10472 11-04-14 11:18:11 11-04-14 14:12:43
2spgk3k0f7quz        251        0      546    29607 11-04-12 12:11:47 11-04-12 12:11:48
36pd759xym9tc         12     1391    23862    37934 11-04-13 19:25:49 11-03-01 23:00:12
497wh6n7hu14f         49        0     5498    69438 11-04-12 19:01:17 11-04-13 12:03:54
We can add a histogram of execution spread to the query
col 1 for 99999
col 2 for 99999
col 3 for 9999
col 4 for 999
col 5 for 99
col av for 99999.9
col ct for 99999
col mn for 999
col av for 99999.9

with pivot_data as (
      mxdelta mx,
      mndelta mn,
      avdelta av,
      -- high_boundary is set to maxdelta + 1 so that
      -- nothing ends up in the overflow bucket
      -- otherwise the max value ends up in the overflow bucket
      width_bucket(delta,mndelta,mxdelta+1,5) as bucket  ,
      substr(times,12) max_run_time
from (
   count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY sql_id) ct,
   max(delta) OVER (PARTITION BY sql_id) mxdelta,
   min(delta) OVER (PARTITION BY sql_id) mndelta,
   avg(delta) OVER (PARTITION BY sql_id) avdelta,
   max(times) OVER (PARTITION BY sql_id) times
from (
        max(delta) delta ,
        -- lpad sets a fixed width on delta so it can be
        -- stripped off above with substr
        -- delta in "times" is just for sorting not displaying
        lpad(round(max(delta),0),10) || ' ' ||
        to_char(min(start_time),'YY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')  || ' ' ||
        to_char(max(end_time),'YY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')  times
   from ( select
              cast(sample_time as date)     end_time,
              cast(sql_exec_start as date)  start_time,
              ((cast(sample_time    as date)) -
               (cast(sql_exec_start as date))) * (3600*24) delta
           where sql_exec_id is not null
   group by sql_id,sql_exec_id
where ct > &min_repeat_executions_filter
select * from pivot_data
PIVOT ( count(*) FOR bucket IN (1,2,3,4,5))
order by mx,av;
SQL_ID            CT         MX   MN       AV MAX_RUN_TIME                             1      2     3    4   5
------------- ------ ---------- ---- -------- ----------------------------------- ------ ------ ----- ---- ---
8rua4c9agcqkb    978        820    0     72.7 11-03-01 23:13:50 11-03-01 23:13:56    830    116    21    9   2
fdagtr1sdk8tn    313        841    0    241.8 11-04-08 21:30:31 11-04-08 21:30:38    194     45     0    0  74
7b5w34atn8q1h    124        898    0     24.8 11-03-07 20:53:17 11-03-07 20:53:23    122      0     0    0   2
83ngzw213v0cs    302       1122    1    207.5 11-04-11 16:26:32 11-03-07 16:12:11    200     68    21    6   7
g5u58zpg0tuk8     97       1359    1     62.1 11-04-13 02:49:33 11-04-12 02:23:39     92      3     1    0   1
4d6m2q3ngjcv9    320       1701    3    484.7 11-04-10 18:00:54 11-03-01 23:10:55     92    168    50    9   1
5k7vccwjr5ahd   2653       1963    0     33.4 11-04-12 09:06:08 11-03-01 23:10:15   2623     15     8    4   3
ds8cz0fb8w147    161       2531   13    273.8 11-04-12 16:10:21 11-03-01 23:11:55    136     18     5    1   1
bzyny95313u12    114       2599    0     46.5 11-03-03 03:06:18 11-03-03 03:06:25    113      0     0    0   1
0hbv80w9ypy0n    161       4089    0   1183.9 11-04-12 22:26:09 11-03-02 04:36:15     27    116     9    6   3
71fwb4n6a92fv     49       4481   30    676.9 11-04-10 17:01:17 11-03-01 23:40:45     38      6     2    2   1
0bujgc94rg3fj    604       4929    0     24.7 11-04-08 10:53:34 11-04-08 12:15:43    601      1     1    0   1
64dqhdkkw63fd   1083       7147    0      7.2 11-03-07 04:01:01 11-03-07 06:00:08   1082      0     0    0   1
990m08w8xav7s    591       7681    0     51.8 11-04-13 00:39:27 11-04-13 00:39:37    587      0     0    2   2
2spgk3k0f7quz    251      29607    0    546.1 11-04-12 12:11:47 11-04-12 12:11:48    247      2     0    0   2
497wh6n7hu14f     49      69438    0   5498.2 11-04-12 19:01:17 11-04-13 12:03:54     44      1     0    1   3
Finally add the SQL_EXEC_ID of the longest running execution. This SQL_EXEC_ID can then be used to go look at the events in ASH for that particular execution
col 1 for 99999
col 2 for 99999
col 3 for 9999
col 4 for 999
col 5 for 99
col av for 99999
col ct for 99999
col mn for 999
col av for 99999.9
col longest_sql_exec_id for A10

WITH pivot_data AS (
      mxdelta mx,
      mndelta mn,
      round(avdelta) av,
      WIDTH_BUCKET(delta_in_seconds,mndelta,mxdelta+.1,5) AS bucket  ,
      SUBSTR(times,12) max_run_time,
      SUBSTR(longest_sql_exec_id, 12) longest_sql_exec_id
   COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY sql_id) ct,
   MAX(delta_in_seconds) OVER (PARTITION BY sql_id) mxdelta,
   MIN(delta_in_seconds) OVER (PARTITION BY sql_id) mndelta,
   AVG(delta_in_seconds) OVER (PARTITION BY sql_id) avdelta,
   MAX(times) OVER (PARTITION BY sql_id) times,
   MAX(longest_sql_exec_id) OVER (PARTITION BY sql_id) longest_sql_exec_id
        MAX(delta_in_seconds) delta_in_seconds ,
        LPAD(ROUND(MAX(delta_in_seconds),0),10) || ' ' ||
        TO_CHAR(MIN(start_time),'YY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')  || ' ' ||
        TO_CHAR(MAX(end_time),'YY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')  times,
        LPAD(ROUND(MAX(delta_in_seconds),0),10) || ' ' ||
        TO_CHAR(MAX(sql_exec_id)) longest_sql_exec_id
              CAST(sample_time AS DATE)     end_time,
              CAST(sql_exec_start AS DATE)  start_time,
              ((CAST(sample_time    AS DATE)) -
               (CAST(sql_exec_start AS DATE))) * (3600*24) delta_in_seconds
           WHERE sql_exec_id IS NOT NULL
   GROUP BY sql_id,sql_exec_id
where ct > &min_repeat_executions_filter
 and  mxdelta > &min_elapsed_time
SELECT * FROM pivot_data
PIVOT ( COUNT(*) FOR bucket IN (1,2,3,4,5))

SQL_ID            CT         MX   MN       AV MAX_RUN_TIME                        LONGEST_SQ      1      2     3    4   5
------------- ------ ---------- ---- -------- ----------------------------------- ---------- ------ ------ ----- ---- ---
2spgk3k0f7quz    251      29607    0    546.0 11-04-12 12:11:47 11-04-12 20:25:14 16781748      247      2     0    0   2
990m08w8xav7s    591       7681    0     52.0 11-04-13 00:39:27 11-04-13 02:47:28 16786685      587      0     0    2   2
64dqhdkkw63fd   1083       7147    0      7.0 11-03-07 04:01:01 11-03-07 06:00:08 16777218     1082      0     0    0   1
0bujgc94rg3fj    604       4929    0     25.0 11-04-08 10:53:34 11-04-08 12:15:43 16814628      601      1     1    0   1
0hbv80w9ypy0n    161       4089    0   1184.0 11-03-02 04:36:10 11-04-12 23:34:18 16777290       27    116     9    6   3
bzyny95313u12    114       2599    0     47.0 11-03-03 03:06:18 11-03-03 03:49:37 16781191      113      0     0    0   1
ds8cz0fb8w147    161       2531   13    274.0 11-03-01 23:11:48 11-04-12 16:10:37 16777285      136     18     5    1   1
5k7vccwjr5ahd   2653       1963    0     33.0 11-03-01 23:10:12 11-04-12 09:06:12 16778244     2623     15     8    4   3
4d6m2q3ngjcv9    320       1701    3    485.0 11-03-01 23:10:53 11-04-10 18:01:26 16777261       92    168    50    9   1
g5u58zpg0tuk8     97       1359    1     62.0 11-04-12 02:23:37 11-04-13 02:51:09 16777217       92      3     1    0   1
34cgtc9xkgxny     61       1272  978   1163.0 11-03-02 10:06:24 11-03-02 10:27:36 16777250        4      4    14   30   9



Oracle CPU Time


Image from 
UPDATE: thanks to a discussion in the comments it’s come to my attention that there should be some more clarification on values used and what the mean at the beginning of this post.
Ever wonder where CPU wait comes from in EM performance screens as seen above? well the following discussion will give you a SQL query to calculate CPU wait. In the above image we see both CPU and CPU Wait as two colors (light green and dark green) in EM as well as two values from the output of the SQL script (CPU_ORA and CPU_ORA_WAIT).
Oracle CPU statistics are measured from calls to the OS to see how much CPU is burned over a given elapsed time (i.e. certain quantity of code). The CPU values are cycles used and not time, thus it does not include time on the run queue waiting to get the CPU.
Oracle ASH, on the other hand, lists all Oracle sessions that want to run from Oracle’s perspective, i.e. they aren’t idle and they aren’t waiting for a non-idle wait event like I/O. Thus ASH includes time spent both running on CPU burning cycles and time spent waiting to get on the CPU.
Thus we can take the the amount of time “On CPU” from ASH and subtract the amount of CPU in Oracle statistics for CPU usage then the remainder is roughly time spent by Oracle sessions waiting to get onto the CPU.
The two challenges to getting the value of “Wait for CPU” are getting  CPU cycles burned and ASH time “ON CPU” into the same units and making sure that we are measuring both over the same interval.
Oracle already reports CPU in % used and in centi-seconds used.  I like to transform this into Average Active Sessions on CPU so I can compare it to my main way of showing ASH data which is Average Active Sessions on “ON CPU” which includes wait for CPU.
There are 3 kinds of CPU in the Oracle stats.
  1. Oracle CPU used
  2. System CPU used
  3. Oracle demand for CPU
Starting in 10g Oracle records both the CPU used by the instance as well as the load on the system in v$sysmetric. This is awesome as we can see how busy the system is and how much of the CPU Oracle is responsible for:
col metric_name for a25
col metric_unit for a25
select metric_name, value, metric_unit from v$sysmetric where metric_name like'%CPU%' and group_id=2;
METRIC_NAME                         VALUE METRIC_UNIT
------------------------------ ---------- ------------------------------
CPU Usage Per Sec              251.067016 CentiSeconds Per Second
CPU Usage Per Txn              5025.52477 CentiSeconds Per Txn
Host CPU Utilization (%)       11.6985845 % Busy/(Idle+Busy)
Database CPU Time Ratio        76.3291033 % Cpu/DB_Time
Now the question is how do we convert these to something useful? For me I put it into the equivalent of AAS and compare it to the core count:
   select 'CPU_ORA_CONSUMED'                                     CLASS,
                    round(value/100,3)                             AAS
             from v$sysmetric
             where metric_name='CPU Usage Per Sec'
               and group_id=2
            select 'CPU_OS'                                        CLASS ,
                    round((prcnt.busy*parameter.cpu_count)/100,3)    sAAS
              ( select value busy from v$sysmetric
                where metric_name='Host CPU Utilization (%)'
                 and group_id=2 ) prcnt,
             ( select value cpu_count
                 from v$parameter
                where name='cpu_count' )  parameter;

CLASS                  AAS
---------------- ----------
CPU_OS                 .022
An AAS of 1 is equivalent to 100% of a core, so, OS CPU is about 2% of a core and of that Oracle used 0.2% of a core.
Not a very active system, and we can look at an active system later, but what I wanted to point out is that this query is missing an important statistic: the demand for CPU by Oracle. We can only add that, AFAIK, by joining in ASH:
   select 'CPU_ORA_CONSUMED'                                     CLASS,
                    round(value/100,3)                             AAS
             from v$sysmetric
             where metric_name='CPU Usage Per Sec'
               and group_id=2
            select 'CPU_OS'                                         CLASS ,
                    round((prcnt.busy*parameter.cpu_count)/100,3)     AAS
              ( select value busy from v$sysmetric
                 where metric_name='Host CPU Utilization (%)'
                   and group_id=2 ) prcnt,
              ( select value cpu_count from v$parameter
                 where name='cpu_count' )  parameter
               'CPU_ORA_DEMAND'                                            CLASS,
               nvl(round( sum(decode(session_state,'ON CPU',1,0))/60,2),0) AAS
             from v$active_session_history ash
             where SAMPLE_TIME > sysdate - (60/(24*60*60));

CLASS                   AAS
---------------- ----------
CPU_ORA_DEMAND          .02
CPU_OS                 .019
So the demand for CPU was higher than the amount consumed. Now the demand for CPU is coming from ASH which is sampled so the accuracy is weak, but in larger sample sets or busier systems it’s pretty darn good. The demand alerts us to CPU starvation on a busy  system.
I like to wrap all this up into a query with all the wait classes to see the overall load on Oracle including CPU consumed by Oracle, CPU demanded by Oracle and CPU used at the OS level:
                 decode(n.wait_class,'User I/O','User I/O',
                                     'Wait')                               CLASS,
                 sum(round(m.time_waited/m.INTSIZE_CSEC,3))                AAS
           from  v$waitclassmetric  m,
                 v$system_wait_class n
           where m.wait_class_id=n.wait_class_id
             and n.wait_class != 'Idle'
           group by  decode(n.wait_class,'User I/O','User I/O', 'Commit','Commit', 'Wait')
             select 'CPU_ORA_CONSUMED'                                     CLASS,
                    round(value/100,3)                                     AAS
             from v$sysmetric
             where metric_name='CPU Usage Per Sec'
               and group_id=2
            select 'CPU_OS'                                                CLASS ,
                    round((prcnt.busy*parameter.cpu_count)/100,3)          AAS
              ( select value busy from v$sysmetric where metric_name='Host CPU Utilization (%)' and group_id=2 ) prcnt,
              ( select value cpu_count from v$parameter where name='cpu_count' )  parameter
               'CPU_ORA_DEMAND'                                            CLASS,
               nvl(round( sum(decode(session_state,'ON CPU',1,0))/60,2),0) AAS
             from v$active_session_history ash
             where SAMPLE_TIME > sysdate - (60/(24*60*60));

CLASS                   AAS
---------------- ----------
CPU_ORA_DEMAND          .03
CPU_OS                 .023
Commit                    0
User I/O                  0
Wait                      0
Ideally I’d want the CPU stats to be subsets of each other so that I could have a graphically stack-able set of statistics
now rolling it all together
with AASSTAT as (
                 decode(n.wait_class,'User I/O','User I/O',
                                     'Wait')                               CLASS,
                 sum(round(m.time_waited/m.INTSIZE_CSEC,3))                AAS
           from  v$waitclassmetric  m,
                 v$system_wait_class n
           where m.wait_class_id=n.wait_class_id
             and n.wait_class != 'Idle'
           group by  decode(n.wait_class,'User I/O','User I/O', 'Commit','Commit', 'Wait')
             select 'CPU_ORA_CONSUMED'                                     CLASS,
                    round(value/100,3)                                     AAS
             from v$sysmetric
             where metric_name='CPU Usage Per Sec'
               and group_id=2
            select 'CPU_OS'                                                CLASS ,
                    round((prcnt.busy*parameter.cpu_count)/100,3)          AAS
              ( select value busy from v$sysmetric where metric_name='Host CPU Utilization (%)' and group_id=2 ) prcnt,
              ( select value cpu_count from v$parameter where name='cpu_count' )  parameter
               'CPU_ORA_DEMAND'                                            CLASS,
               nvl(round( sum(decode(session_state,'ON CPU',1,0))/60,2),0) AAS
             from v$active_session_history ash
             where SAMPLE_TIME > sysdate - (60/(24*60*60))
       ( decode(sign(CPU_OS-CPU_ORA_CONSUMED), -1, 0, (CPU_OS - CPU_ORA_CONSUMED )) +
       decode(sign(CPU_OS-CPU_ORA_CONSUMED), -1, 0, (CPU_OS - CPU_ORA_CONSUMED )) CPU_OS,
from (
       sum(decode(CLASS,'CPU_ORA_DEMAND'  ,AAS,0)) CPU_ORA_DEMAND,
       sum(decode(CLASS,'CPU_OS'          ,AAS,0)) CPU_OS,
       sum(decode(CLASS,'Commit'          ,AAS,0)) COMMIT,
       sum(decode(CLASS,'User I/O'        ,AAS,0)) READIO,
       sum(decode(CLASS,'Wait'            ,AAS,0)) WAIT

---------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
       .02       .002            0          0          0          0
Now let’s run up some load on a machine and database.
Take two databases, run up the CPU demand on both and add some wait contention. The machine has 24 cores so there is a definitely a problem when the CPU_TOTAL goes over 24. I’m running 14 sessions each trying to burn a core on two different databases. The first few lines the test is ramping up
SQL> /

---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
    14.887       .387     13.753         .747          0          0       .023

SQL> /

---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
    21.989      7.469     12.909        1.611          0          0       .044

SQL> /

---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
    26.595     12.125     11.841        2.629          0          0       .025

SQL> /

---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
    27.045     12.125     11.841        3.079          0          0       .025

Historically CPU used by Oracle was derived from
v$’CPU used by this session’
but this statistic had problems as the value was only updated every time a call ended. A call could be a 1 hour PL/SQL procedure which would thus report zero cpu usage in the stats until it finished and the CPU would spike off the scale.
ASH had always been the most stable way to gather CPU demand, though Oracle has made improvements in gathering CPU statistics. I believe that the time model gathers CPU every 5 seconds in 10g, and in 11g it’s possible that CPU stats are gathered every second
Here is a visual example of a machine that has server memory contention, massive amounts of paging. There is OS CPU being used, but hardly any CPU being used by Oracle which makes sense as it’s an idle database, but what is revealing is the massive amount of CPU wait by Oracle. Oracle only has a little bit of work to do to take care of an idle database but we can see that most of Oracle’s CPU time is wait for CPU time as when it wants to work, pages have to be read back in,

I have my doubts as to the clarity of the layout of the above graph. A possibly clearer graph would be simply adding a line representing available CPU and take out the OSCPU bars. In the above graph I’ve charted OSCPU usage as AAS, ie average active sessions, mixing AAS of the database with AAS at the OS level. I think a  possible clear representation would be to show the Core count line, and draw the OSCPU usage shown upside down from the # of core lines, thus the space from the bottom axis to where the OSCPU reaches down would be available CPU.


Thanks to the eagle eyes of John Beresniewicz a small error was identified in the above script. The last script didn’t correlate the time windows of v$sysmetric with v$active_session history. They both reported the last minute of statistics but the last minute reported in v$sysmetric could be up to a minute behind those in v$active_session_history, so here is a version that tries to correlate to two time windows so they are in sync
with AASSTAT as (
                 decode(n.wait_class,'User I/O','User I/O',
                                     'Wait')                               CLASS,
                 sum(round(m.time_waited/m.INTSIZE_CSEC,3))                AAS,
                 BEGIN_TIME ,
           from  v$waitclassmetric  m,
                 v$system_wait_class n
           where m.wait_class_id=n.wait_class_id
             and n.wait_class != 'Idle'
           group by  decode(n.wait_class,'User I/O','User I/O', 'Commit','Commit', 'Wait'), BEGIN_TIME, END_TIME
             select 'CPU_ORA_CONSUMED'                                     CLASS,
                    round(value/100,3)                                     AAS,
                 BEGIN_TIME ,
             from v$sysmetric
             where metric_name='CPU Usage Per Sec'
               and group_id=2
            select 'CPU_OS'                                                CLASS ,
                    round((prcnt.busy*parameter.cpu_count)/100,3)          AAS,
                 BEGIN_TIME ,
              ( select value busy, BEGIN_TIME,END_TIME from v$sysmetric where metric_name='Host CPU Utilization (%)' and group_id=2 ) prcnt,
              ( select value cpu_count from v$parameter where name='cpu_count' )  parameter
               'CPU_ORA_DEMAND'                                            CLASS,
               nvl(round( sum(decode(session_state,'ON CPU',1,0))/60,2),0) AAS,
               cast(min(SAMPLE_TIME) as date) BEGIN_TIME ,
               cast(max(SAMPLE_TIME) as date) END_TIME
             from v$active_session_history ash
              where SAMPLE_TIME >= (select BEGIN_TIME from v$sysmetric where metric_name='CPU Usage Per Sec' and group_id=2 )
               and SAMPLE_TIME < (select END_TIME from v$sysmetric where metric_name='CPU Usage Per Sec' and group_id=2 )
       to_char(BEGIN_TIME,'HH:MI:SS') BEGIN_TIME,
       to_char(END_TIME,'HH:MI:SS') END_TIME,
       decode(sign(CPU_OS-CPU_ORA_CONSUMED), -1, 0, (CPU_OS - CPU_ORA_CONSUMED )) CPU_OS,
       -- ,(  decode(sign(CPU_OS - CPU_ORA_CONSUMED), -1, 0, 
       --                (CPU_OS - CPU_ORA_CONSUMED))
       --    + CPU_ORA_CONSUMED +
       --  decode(sign(CPU_ORA_DEMAND - CPU_ORA_CONSUMED), -1, 0, 
from ( 
                min(BEGIN_TIME) BEGIN_TIME,
                max(END_TIME) END_TIME, 
                sum(decode(CLASS,'CPU_ORA_CONSUMED',AAS,0)) CPU_ORA_CONSUMED, 
                sum(decode(CLASS,'CPU_ORA_DEMAND' ,AAS,0)) CPU_ORA_DEMAND, 
                sum(decode(CLASS,'CPU_OS' ,AAS,0)) CPU_OS, 
                sum(decode(CLASS,'Commit' ,AAS,0)) COMMIT, 
                sum(decode(CLASS,'User I/O' ,AAS,0)) READIO, 
                sum(decode(CLASS,'Wait' ,AAS,0)) WAIT 
         from AASSTAT) 
The output now looks like
-------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
07:23:35 07:24:35 .044    .024       .002    .018   0     0     .001
I’m still open that there might be some more tweaking to do, so your milage may vary. Test, Test, Test and only trust yourself!
As a reminder the code above is on Github as part of the ASH Masters project. Feel free to get a Github account, fork the code and make changes. If you find cool new code or errors in old code, let me know and we will merge it into the ASH Masters project