
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Manually Tuning SQL

Displaying an Execution Plan for a Query

SQL> set autotrace on

SELECT last_name, first_name
FROM employees NATURAL JOIN departments
WHERE employee_id = 101;

AUTOTRACE Option                  Execution Plan              Shown Statistics             Shown Query Executed
AUTOT[RACE]  OFF                                  No                       No                                  Yes
AUTOT[RACE] ON                                    Yes                      Yes                                  Yes
AUTOT[RACE] ON EXP[LAIN]                Yes                       No                                  Yes
AUTOT[RACE] ON STAT[ISTICS]           No                        Yes                                 Yes
AUTOT[RACE] TRACE[ONLY]                Yes                       Yes                        Yes, but query output  is suppressed.

AUTOT[RACE] TRACE[ONLY]                Yes                         No                                 No

SQL> set autot trace exp
run sql...

SQL> set autot trace stat
SQL> set timi on
SQL> /
43 rows selected.
0 recursive calls
0 db block gets
14 consistent gets
0 physical reads
0 redo size
1862 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
438 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
4 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
1 sorts (memory)

0 sorts (disk)
43 rows processed

swith of the trace one the tracing is done ..
sql>set autot off

to know the status os auto trace
SQL> show autot
autotrace OFF

Customizing Execution Plan Output

explain plan for
SELECT last_name, first_name
FROM employees JOIN departments USING(department_id)
WHERE employee_id = 101;


SELECT * FROM table(dbms_xplan.display);

to see the basic most basic execution plan ..

SELECT * FROM table(dbms_xplan.display(null,null,'BASIC'));

SELECT * FROM table(dbms_xplan.display(null,null,'BASIC +COST'));

SELECT * FROM table(dbms_xplan.display(null,null,'TYPICAL -BYTES -ROWS'));

Reading an Execution Plan

set autotrace trace explain

Monitoring Long-Running SQL Statements

Keep in mind that V$SQL represents SQL held in the shared pool, and is aged out faster than the data in V$SQLSTATS, so this query will not return data for SQL that has been already aged out of the shared pool.

With a query against the V$SESSION_LONGOPS view, you can quickly get an idea of how long a given query component will execute, and when it will finish:

SELECT username, target, sofar blocks_read, totalwork total_blocks,
round(time_remaining/60) minutes
FROM v$session_longops
WHERE sofar <> totalwork
and username = 'HR';

------------ -------------------- ----------- ------------ ----------
HR            HR.EMPLOYEES_BIG    81101                           2353488                          10

Identifying Resource-Consuming SQL Statements That Are  Currently Executing

Look at the V$SQLSTATS view, which gives information about currently or recently run SQL statements. If you wanted to get the five recent SQL statements that performed the most disk I/O, you could issue the following query:

SELECT sql_text, disk_reads FROM
(SELECT sql_text, buffer_gets, disk_reads, sorts,
cpu_time/1000000 cpu, rows_processed, elapsed_time
FROM v$sqlstats
ORDER BY disk_reads DESC)
WHERE rownum <= 5;

the top five SQL statements by CPU time, sorts, loads, invalidations, or any other column, simply replace the disk_reads column in the foregoing query with your desired column. For instance, if you were more interested in the queries that ran the longest, you could issue the following query:

SELECT sql_text, elapsed_time FROM
(SELECT sql_text, buffer_gets, disk_reads, sorts,
cpu_time/1000000 cpu, rows_processed, elapsed_time
FROM v$sqlstats
ORDER BY elapsed_time DESC)
WHERE rownum <= 5;

Sometimes, there are SQL statements that are related to the database background processing of keeping the database running, and you may not want to see those statements, but only the ones related to your application. If you join V$SQLSTATS to V$SQL, you can see information for particular users. See the following example:

SELECT schema, sql_text, disk_reads, round(cpu,2) FROM
(SELECT s.parsing_schema_name schema, t.sql_id, t.sql_text, t.disk_reads,
t.sorts, t.cpu_time/1000000 cpu, t.rows_processed, t.elapsed_time
FROM v$sqlstats t join v$sql s on(t.sql_id = s.sql_id)
WHERE parsing_schema_name = 'SCOTT'
ORDER BY disk_reads DESC)
WHERE rownum <= 5;

Keep in mind that V$SQL represents SQL held in the shared pool, and is aged out faster than the data in
V$SQLSTATS, so this query will not return data for SQL that has been already aged out of the shared pool.

Seeing Execution Statistics for Currently Running SQL

Initialization parameter STATISTICS_LEVEL must be set to TYPICAL or ALL, and
CONTROL_MANAGEMENT_PACK_ACCESS must be set to DIAGNOSTIC+TUNING for SQL monitoring to occur. Diagnostic and Tuning Pack Licenses are required to use V$SQL_MONITOR.

You can use the V$SQL_MONITOR view to see real-time statistics of currently running SQL and see the resource consumption used for a given query based on such statistics as CPU usage, buffer gets, disk reads, and elapsed time of the query. Let’s first find a current executing query within our database:

SELECT sid, sql_text FROM v$sql_monitor

---------- --------------------------------------------------------
100 select department_name, city, avg(salary)
from employees_big join departments using(department_id)
join locations using (location_id)
group by department_name, city
having avg(salary) > 2000
order by 2,1

For the foregoing executing query found in V$SQL_MONITOR, we can see the resource utilization for that statement as it executes:

SELECT sid, buffer_gets, disk_reads, round(cpu_time/1000000,1) cpu_seconds
FROM v$sql_monitor
AND status = 'EXECUTING';

---------- ----------- ---------- -----------
100 149372 4732 39.1

The V$SQL_MONITOR view contains currently running SQL statements, as well as recently run SQL statements. If you wanted to see the sessions that are running the top five CPU-consuming queries in your database, you could issue the following query:

SELECT sid, buffer_gets, disk_reads, round(cpu_time/1000000,1) cpu_seconds
FROM v$sql_monitor
ORDER BY cpu_time desc)
WHERE rownum <= 5;

---------- ----------- ---------- -----------
20            1332665            30580                      350.5
105            795330             13651                      269.7
20             259324              5449                          71.6
20               259330             5485                          71.3
100             259236             8188                          67.9

SQL statements are monitored in V$SQL_MONITOR under the following conditions:
• Automatically for any parallelized statements
• Automatically for any DML or DDL statements
• Automatically if a particular SQL statement has consumed at least 5 seconds of CPU or I/O time
• Monitored for any SQL statement that has monitoring set at the statement level

Forcefully turn on & turn off  the sql monitor a hint can be used

SELECT /*+ monitor */ ename, dname
FROM emppart JOIN dept USING (deptno);

If we wanted to see all executions for a given query (based on the SQL_ID column), we can get that information by querying on the three necessary columns to drill to a given execution of a SQL query:

SELECT sql_id, to_char(sql_exec_start,'yyyy-mm-dd:hh24:mi:ss') sql_exec_start,
sql_exec_id, sum(buffer_gets) buffer_gets,
sum(disk_reads) disk_reads, round(sum(cpu_time/1000000),1) cpu_secs
FROM v$sql_monitor
WHERE sql_id = '21z86kt10h3rp'
GROUP BY sql_id, sql_exec_start, sql_exec_id
ORDER BY 6 desc)
WHERE rownum <= 5;

------------- ------------------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------
21z86kt10h3rp   2013-08-26:14:06:02   16777218              591636                  6                         28.3
21z86kt10h3rp   2013-08-26:14:06:36   16777219              507484                  0                         27.8
21z86kt10h3rp   2013-08-26:14:07:17    16777220              507484                 0                         27.6

For parallel query
Keep in mind that if a statement is running in parallel, one row will appear for each parallel thread for the query, including one for the query coordinator. However, they will share the same SQL_ID, SQL_EXEC_START, and   SQL_EXEC_ID values. example for a parallelized query, along with parallel slave information denoted by the PX_SERVER# column:

SELECT sql_id, sql_exec_start, sql_exec_id, px_server# px#, disk_reads,
cpu_time/1000000 cpu_secs, buffer_gets
FROM v$sql_monitor
ORDER BY px_server#;

------------- ---------- ----------- --- ---------- -------- -----------
55x73dhhx277n 2013-08-26           16777216           1         98                  .673897           11869
55x73dhhx277n 2013-08-26           16777216           2        100                 .664898           12176
55x73dhhx277n 2013-08-26            16777216          3        72                    .481927           8715
55x73dhhx277n 2013-08-26            16777216          4       143                   .752885           17283
55x73dhhx277n 2013-08-26            16777216                      0                     .007999           27

to perform a simple aggregation for a given query, in this case, our parallelized query, the aggregation is done on the three key columns that make up a single execution of a given SQL statement:

SELECT sql_id,sql_exec_start, sql_exec_id, sum(buffer_gets) buffer_gets,
sum(disk_reads) disk_reads, round(sum(cpu_time/1000000),1) cpu_seconds
FROM v$sql_monitor
WHERE sql_id = '21z86kt10h3rp'
GROUP BY sql_id, sql_exec_start, sql_exec_id;

------------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- -----------
21z86kt10h3rp 2013-08-26      16777218               591636                   6                             28.3

If you wanted to perform an aggregation for one SQL statement, regardless of the number of times is has been executed, simply run the aggregate query only on the SQL_ID column, as shown here:

SELECT sql_id, sum(buffer_gets) buffer_gets,
sum(disk_reads) disk_reads, round(sum(cpu_time/1000000),1) cpu_seconds
FROM v$sql_monitor
WHERE sql_id = '21z86kt10h3rp '
GROUP BY sql_id;

Monitoring Progress of a SQL Execution Plan

couple of ways to get information to see where a query is executing in terms of the execution plan. First, by querying the V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR view, you can get information for all queries that are in progress, as well as recent queries that are complete.

To see information for the foregoing query while it is currently running, you can issue a query like the one shown here (some rows have been removed for conciseness):

column operation format a25
column plan_line_id format 9999 heading 'LINE'
column plan_options format a10 heading 'OPTIONS'
column status format a10
column output_rows heading 'ROWS'
break on sid on sql_id on status
SELECT sid, sql_id, status, plan_line_id,
plan_operation || ' ' || plan_options operation, output_rows
FROM v$sql_plan_monitor
WHERE status not like '%DONE%'

SID               SQL_ID                     STATUS              LINE         OPERATION                       ROWS
----- ------------- --------- ---- --------------------------- -------
423               7wjb00vsk8btp        EXECUTING            0       SELECT STATEMENT                  0
                                                                                       1         FILTER                                         0
                                                                                       2         SORT GROUP BY                       0
                                                                                       3          HASH JOIN                         9785901
                                                                                       4          MERGE JOIN                               27
                                                                                       5 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID   27
                                                                                       6          INDEX FULL SCAN                     27
                                                                                       7         SORT JOIN                                    27
                                                                                       8           VIEW                                            23
                                                                                       9            HASH JOIN                                 23
                                                                                      10          INDEX FAST FULL SCAN          23
                                                                                      11           INDEX FAST FULL SCAN         23
                                                                                      12         TABLE ACCESS FULL           9785901

set pages 9999
set long 1000000
(sql_id=> '7wjb00vsk8btp ',type=>'HTML')
FROM dual;

We want the detail aggregated, and we want to see just the most basic level of detail

(sql_id=>'7wjb00vsk8btp ',event_detail=>'NO',report_level=>'BASIC') FROM dual;

SQL Monitoring Report

SQL Text
select department_name, city, avg(salary)
from employees_big join departments using(department_id)
join locations using (location_id)
group by department_name,city
having avg(salary) > 2000 order by 2,1

Global Information
Status : DONE
Instance ID : 1
Session : HR (423:25891)
SQL ID : 7wjb00vsk8btp
SQL Execution ID : 16777219
Execution Started : 08/26/2013 16:20:52
First Refresh Time : 08/26/2013 16:20:58
Last Refresh Time : 08/26/2013 16:21:12
Duration : 20s
Module/Action : SQL*Plus/-
Service : SYS$USERS
Program : sqlplus@lxdnt24b (TNS V1-V3)
Fetch Calls : 1
Global Stats
| Elapsed | Cpu | Other | Fetch | Buffer |
| Time(s) | Time(s) | Waits(s) | Calls | Gets |
| 20 | 20 | 0.03 | 1 | 372K |

Refer to the Oracle PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for a complete list of all the parameters that can be used to execute the REPORT_SQL_MONITOR function. It is a very robust function, and there are a myriad of permutations to report on, based on your specific need.

Identifying Resource-Consuming SQL Statements That Have Executed in the Past

SELECT sql_id, sum(disk_reads_delta) disk_reads_delta,
sum(disk_reads_total) disk_reads_total,
sum(executions_delta) execs_delta,
sum(executions_total) execs_total
FROM dba_hist_sqlstat
GROUP BY sql_id
ORDER BY 2 desc)
WHERE rownum <= 5;

------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------- -----------
36bdwxutr5n75        6306401                      10933153                           13                            24
0bx1z9rbm10a1         1590538                    1590538                             2                               2
0gzf8010xdasr             970292                       1848743                           1                               3
1gtkxf53fk7bp               969785                    969785                              7                               7
4h81qj5nspx6s               869588                   869588                             2                                2

Since the actual text of the SQL isn’t stored in DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT, you can then look at the associated  DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT view to get the SQL text for the query with the highest number of disk reads:

SELECT sql_text FROM dba_hist_sqltext
WHERE sql_id = '7wjb00vsk8btp ';

To see explain plan for historical sql statement
If you want to see explain plan information for historical SQL statements, there is an associated view available to retrieve that information for a given query. You can access the DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN view to get the explain plan information for historical SQL statements.

SELECT id, operation || ' ' || options operation, object_name, cost, bytes
FROM dba_hist_sql_plan
WHERE sql_id = '7wjb00vsk8btp '

ID          OPERATION                             OBJECT_NAME           COST              BYTES
---- --------------------------- ----------------- ---- ----------
0            SELECT STATEMENT                                                      549
1            FILTER
2            SORT GROUP BY                                                             549                       858
3            HASH JOIN                                                                       546                  7668102
4            MERGE JOIN                                                                       4                        837
5           TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID DEPARTMENTS    2                          513
6           INDEX FULL SCAN DEPT_LOCATION_IX                       1
7           SORT JOIN                                                                            2                        276
8          VIEW index$_join$_004                                                          2                        276
9            HASH JOIN
10          INDEX FAST FULL SCAN LOC_CITY_IX                        1                        276
11          INDEX FAST FULL SCAN LOC_ID_PK                            1                        276
12          TABLE ACCESS FULL EMPLOYEES_BIG                      541                15729449

Comparing SQL Performance After a System Change

Note : you must be licensed for Real Application Testing in order to use the SQL Performance Analyzer.
Note:  ADVISOR system privilege is needed to perform the analysis tasks using DBMS_SQLPA.

1. Create an analysis task based on a single or series of SQL statements.
2. Run an analysis for those statements based on your current configuration.
3. Perform the given change to your environment (like a database upgrade).
4. Run an analysis for those statements based on the new configuration.
5. Run a “before and after” comparison to determine what impact the change has on the performance of your SQL statement(s).
6. Generate a report to view the output of the comparison results.

following example for a single query. First, we need to create an analysis task.
For the database upgrade example, this would be done on an appropriate test database that is Oracle 12c. In this case, within SQL Plus, we will do the analysis for one specific SQL statement:

variable g_task varchar2(100);
EXEC :g_task := DBMS_SQLPA.CREATE_ANALYSIS_TASK(sql_text => 'select last_name
|| ',' || first_name, department_name from employees join departments using(department_id)');

In order to properly simulate this scenario on our Oracle 12c database, we then set the optimizer_features_enable parameter back to Oracle 11g. We then run an analysis for our query using the “before” conditions—in this case, with a previous version of the optimizer:

alter session set optimizer_features_enable='';
EXEC DBMS_SQLPA.EXECUTE_ANALYSIS_TASK(task_name=>:g_task,execution_type=>'test execute',execution_name=>'before_change');

After completing the before analysis, we set the optimizer to the current version of our database, which, for this example, represents the version to which we are upgrading our database:

alter session set optimizer_features_enable='';
EXEC DBMS_SQLPA.EXECUTE_ANALYSIS_TASK(task_name=>:g_task,execution_type=>'test execute', execution_name=>'after_change');

Now that we have created our analysis task based on a given SQL statement, and have run “before” and “after” analysis tasks for that statement based on the changed conditions, we can now run an analysis task to compare the results of the two executions of our query. There are several metrics that can be compared. In this case, we are comparing “buffer gets”:

EXEC DBMS_SQLPA.EXECUTE_ANALYSIS_TASK(task_name=>:g_task,execution_type=>'COMPARE
PERFORMANCE',execution_name=>'compare change',execution_params =>

Finally, we can now use the REPORT_ANALYSIS_TASK function of the DBMS_SQLPA package in order to view the results. In the following example, we want to see output only if the execution plan has changed. The output can be in several formats, the most popular being HTML and plain text.

set long 100000 longchunksize 100000 linesize 200 head off feedback off echo off
spool compare_report.txt

Some of the possible key reasons to consider doing a “before and after” performance analysis include the following:

• Initialization parameter changes
• Database upgrades
• Hardware changes
• Operating system changes
• Application schema object additions or changes
• The implementation of SQL baselines or profiles

you may want to narrow down the information shown from the REPORT_ANALYSIS_TASK function to show information only on SQL statements such as the following:
• Those statements that show regressed performance
• Those statements with a changed execution plan
• Those statements that show errors in the SQL statements