
Sunday, June 26, 2016

SQL Tuning

Things I think important to know for sql tuning:

  • Be able to read execution plan
         - right-most first, from top to bottom
         - visual approach to assist understanding   
         - pay attention to the Predicate Information section
  • Obtaining the execution plan
         - AUTOTRACE
         - dbms_xplan.display_curosr
  • Cardinality
         - the predicted number of rows generated by an operation
         - cardinality = selectivity * ( number of input rows)
  • COST
         - represent the optimizer's best estimate of the time it will take to execute the statement; CBO always chooses the execution plan with minimum cost.
         - using dbms_xplan.display_cursor to obtain E-row vs A-row ( set statistical_level=all;  or using /* gather_plan_statistics */ )
  • AWR, ADDM, ASH and wait interface - able to identify the offensive SQLs
  • bind variable peeking and plan instability
  • 10046 trace & tkprof
         - a rule of thumb to check efficiency: query+ current/rows < 20
         ie.  select * from ( select col_of_insterest,count(*) from table_A group by col_of_interest order by 2 desc) where rownun <=50
  • Talk to lead developers
         - tune questions not just tune queries
  • Fix a bad query or method of improvement
        - index re-design,
        - hints,
        - gather stats,
        - explore parallelism,
        - plan stability: sql profile( sqlt coe* script) and sql plan baseline (sqlt coe* script)